Filters: Author is Michael Hafner [Clear All Filters]
"Living Security — Collaborative Security Management in a Changing World",
Tenth IASTED International Conference on Software Engineering SE 2011, Innsbruck, Austria, ACTA Press, 02/2011.
"Living Models - Ten Principles for Change-Driven Software Engineering",
Int. J. Software and Informatics, vol. 5, no. 1-2, pp. 267-290, 2011.
"Modeling and Managing System Evolution Description of EternalS Task Force 2",
Leveraging Applications of Formal Methods, Verification, and Validation 4th International Symposium on Leveraging Applications, Isola 2010, Heraklion, Greece, 10/2010.
"Architectural Patterns for Model Driven Security in SOA",
Communications and Multimedia Security - CMS 2010, Linz, Austria, 05/2010.
"SeAAS - A Reference Architecture for Security Services in SOA",
Journal of Universal Computer Science, 2010.
"Security As A Service: A Reference Architecture for SOA",
7th International Workshop on Security in Information Systems (WOSIS 2009), Milan, Italy, Springer, 05/2009.