D1.1 |
Description of the Scenarios and their Requirements |
M12 |
D1.1.1 |
Selected Change Requirements and Security Properties |
M18 |
D1.2 |
Report on the applicability of SecureChange technologies to the Scenarios |
M24 |
D1.3 |
Report on the Industrial Validation of SecureChange Solutions |
M36 |
D2.1 |
An Architectural Blueprint and a Software Development Process for security-critical Lifelong Systems |
M12 |
D2.2 |
A Configuration Management Process for Lifelong Adaptable Systems |
M24 |
D2.3 |
An Integrated Security Process for Lifelong Adaptable Systems |
M30 |
D3.1 |
State of the Art for Requirement Modeling
M06 |
D3.2 |
Methodology for Evolutionary Requirements, revised version, revised version 2 |
M12, M24 |
D3.3 |
Algorithms for Incremental Requirements Models Evaluation and Transformation, revised version |
M24, M36 |
D3.4 |
Proof-of Concept Case Tool for early requirements, revised version |
M24, M36 |
D4.1 |
Security modelling notation for adaptive security |
M12 |
D4.2 |
Formally founded automated security analysis tools for this notation with a link to code-level verification |
M24 |
D4.3 |
Approach for adaptive security monitor generation |
M36 |
D4.4 |
Proof of concept integration of design modelling solution, revised version |
M24, M36 |
D5.1 |
Evaluation of existing methods and principles is risk analysis |
M06 |
D5.2 |
Documentation of forecasts of future evolvement |
M12 |
D5.3 |
Assessment methods |
M24 |
D5.4 |
Framework for integrated documentation of system and assessment results |
M24 |
D5.5 |
Automatic or semi-Automatic techniques, methods and tools for revalidation |
M36 |
D6.1 |
Programming model and annotations |
M12 |
D6.2 |
Proof-of-Concept verifier |
M24 |
D6.3 |
Compositional technique to re-verify security against new security model on impacted code |
M18 |
D6.4 |
Impact analysis of new security requirements |
M24 |
D6.5 |
Methodology for definition of programming models |
M36 |
D6.6 |
Development-time and runtime interplay |
M36 |
D7.1 |
Evaluation of existing methods and principles in MBT, revised version |
M6 |
D7.2 |
How to integrate evolution into a model-based testing approach |
M12 |
D7.3 |
A proof-of-concept implementation of Model-based testing for evolution tool |
M24 |
D7.4 |
Results of test campaign on case studies |
M36 |