Filters: First Letter Of Title is V [Clear All Filters]
"Visualization of Traceability Models with Domain-specific Layouting",
Proceedings of the Fourth International Workshop on Graph-Based Tools, 2010.
"Verification of unloadable modules",
17th International Symposium on Formal Methods (FM 2011), vol. 6664: Springer, pp. 402–416, 2011.
Limerick (Ireland), 20-24 June 2011
"Verifying FreeRTOS: from requirements to binary code",
Proceedings of the International Workshop Automated Verification of Critical Systems (AVOCS'11), vol. CS-TR-1272, 2011.
Short paper
"Visualization of Traceability Models with Domain-specific Layouting",
Electronic Communications of the EASST, Proceedings of the Fourth International Workshop on Graph-Based Tools, vol. 32, 04/2011.
"Verifiable control flow properties for Java bytecode",
FAST 2011: Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, to appear, 2011.
"Vérification et Test pour des systèmes évolutifs",
AFADL'12, Congrès Approches Formelles dans l'Assistance au Développement de Logiciels, Grenoble, France, pp. 150–164, 2012.