Security Engineering for Lifelong Evolvable Systems

Quick fix generation for DSMLs

TitleQuick fix generation for DSMLs
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2011
AuthorsHegedüs, A., A. Horváth, I. Ráth, M. C. Branco, and D. Varró
Conference NameIEEE Symposium on Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing, VL/HCC 2011
Date Published09/2011
PublisherIEEE Computer Society
Conference LocationPittsbourgh, PA, USA
Keywordsdomain-specific languages, model transformations, quickfix generation, Viatra

Domain-specific modeling languages (DSML) proved to be an important asset in creating powerful design tools for domain experts.  Although these tools are capable of preserving the syntax-correctness of models even during free-hand editing, they often lack the ability of maintaining the non-syntactical language-specific constraints in models. Hence, there is a need for approaches which are capable of assisting DSML users to create consistent models. In this paper we describe an approach for generating quick fixes for DSMLs based on a set of domain-specific constraints and model manipulation operations. Our approach uses state-space exploration techniques to find sequences of operations which lead to less inconsistent models. The approach is illustrated on a case study using the BPMN DSML and it is evaluated by several experiments to show its feasibility and performance.


Acceptance rate: 33%
