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"Vérification et Test pour des systèmes évolutifs",
AFADL'12, Congrès Approches Formelles dans l'Assistance au Développement de Logiciels, Grenoble, France, pp. 150–164, 2012.
"UML/OCL based impact analysis to test evolvin critical software",
ETAI'11, Society for Electronics, Telecommunications, Automatics and Informatics 10-th Int. Conf., Ohrid, Macedonia, 2011.
"Towards learning to detect meaningful changes in software",
Proceedings of the International Workshop on Machine Learning Technologies in Software Engineering, New York, NY, USA, ACM, pp. 51–54, November, 2011.
"A Tool for Managing Evolving Security Requirements",
CAiSE Forum:, pp. 49-56, 2011.
"A Tool for Managing Evolving Security Requirements",
CAiSE Forum , London, Springer-Verlag, pp. 49-56, 2011.
"Test Generation using Symbolic Animation of Models",
Model-Based Testing for Embedded Systems: CRC Press, pp. ***–***, 2010.
Accepted manuscript. To appear
"Test Generation Based on Abstraction and Test Purposes to Complement Structural Tests",
A-MOST'10, 6th int. Workshop on Advances in Model Based Testing, in conjunction with ICST'10, Paris, France, pp. 54–61, 2010.
"Ten Principles for Living Models - A Manifesto of Change-Driven Software Engineering",
International Conference on Complex, Intelligent and Software Intensive Systems (CISIS)), 2010.
"State-based Evolution Management of Risk-based System Tests for Service-centric Systems.",
Emerging Technologies for the Evolution and Maintenance of Software Models.: IGI Global, pp. 298-318., 2012.
"Solving the TTC 2011 Reengineering Case with VIATRA2",
TTC 2011: Fifth Transformation Tool Contest, Zürich, Switzerland, June 29-30 2011, Post-Proceedings, vol. 74, Zürich, Switzerland, Open Publishing Association, pp. 136-148, 11/2011.
"Selective Test Generation Method for Evolving Critical Systems",
REGRESSION'11, 1st Int. Workshop on Regression Testing - co-located with ICST'2011, Berlin, Germany, IEEE Computer Society Press, pp. 125–134, 2011.
"Security Testing by Telling TestStories",
Modellierung 2010, Klagenfurt, Austria, 03/2010.
"Security Patterns: Comparing Modeling Approaches",
Software Engineering for Security Systems: Industrial and Research Perspectives: IGI Global, 2010.
"Security As A Service: A Reference Architecture for SOA",
7th International Workshop on Security in Information Systems (WOSIS 2009), Milan, Italy, Springer, 05/2009.
"SecureChange: Security Engineering for Lifelong Evolvable Systems",
European Future Technologies Conference and Exhibition (FET09), Prague, Czech Republic, 04/2009.
"SeCMER: A Tool to Gain Control of Security Requirements Evolution",
Towards a Service-Based Internet, vol. 6994: Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, pp. 321-322, 2011.
"SeAAS - A Reference Architecture for Security Services in SOA",
Journal of Universal Computer Science, 2010.
"Saying Hello World with VIATRA2 - A Solution to the TTC 2011 Instructive Case",
TTC 2011: Fifth Transformation Tool Contest, Zürich, Switzerland, June 29-30 2011, Post-Proceedings, vol. 74, Zürich, Switzerland, Open Publishing Association, pp. 302-324, 11/2011.
"Run-time Verification of Cryptographic Protocols",
Journal for Computers & Security, vol. 29, 2010.
"Run-time Security Traceability for Evolving Systems",
The Computer Journal: Oxford Univ. Press, 2010.
"Quick fix generation for DSMLs",
IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing, VL/HCC 2011, Pittsbourgh, PA, USA, IEEE Computer Society, 09/2011.
Acceptance rate: 33%
"PrimAndroid: privacy policy modelling and analysis for Android applications",
IEEE International Symposium on Policies for Distributed Systems and Networks, June, 2011.
"Parallelization of Graph Transformation Based on Incremental Pattern Matching",
8th International Workshop on Graph Transformation and Visual Modeling Techniques, York, United Kingdom, 2009.
Paradigma "Lebendige Sicherheit".,
, vol. 11, no. 1, 2011.
pp. 38-39.
"Orchestrating Security and System Engineering for Evolving Systems",
ServiceWave, pp. 134-143, 2011.