Filters: Author is Gábor Bergmann [Clear All Filters]
"Parallelization of Graph Transformation Based on Incremental Pattern Matching",
8th International Workshop on Graph Transformation and Visual Modeling Techniques, York, United Kingdom, 2009.
"Experimental Assessment of Combining Pattern Matching Strategies with VIATRA2",
International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer, vol. 12, pp. 211-230, 2010.
"Ecore to Genmodel case study solution using the Viatra2 framework",
Transformation Tool Contest (TTC ’10), Malaga, Spain, 07/2010.
"Back-annotation of Simulation Traces with Change-Driven Model Transformations",
Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Software Engineering and Formal Methods, Pisa, IEEE Computer Society, pp. 145-155, 09/2010.
Acceptance rate: 22%
"Incremental Evaluation of Model Queries over EMF Models",
Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems, 13th International Conference, MODELS’10: Springer, 10/2010.
Acceptance rate: 21%
"A Graph Query Language for EMF models",
Theory and Practice of Model Transformations, Fourth International Conference, ICMT 2011, Zurich, Switzerland, June 27-28, 2011. Proceedings, vol. 6707: Springer, pp. 167-182, 2011.
"Incremental Evaluation of Model Queries over EMF Models: A Tutorial on EMF-IncQuery",
Modelling Foundations and Applications, vol. 6698: Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, pp. 389-390, 2011.
"SeCMER: A Tool to Gain Control of Security Requirements Evolution",
Towards a Service-Based Internet, vol. 6994: Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, pp. 321-322, 2011.
"A Tool for Managing Evolving Security Requirements",
CAiSE Forum , London, Springer-Verlag, pp. 49-56, 2011.
"Graph Transformation with Incremental Pattern Matching on a Relational Database",
International Symposium on Applications of Graph Transformation With Industrial Relevance (AGTIVE 2011), Budapest, Hungary, 10/2011.
In Review for Post-proceedings.
"Implementing Efficient Model Validation in EMF Tools: Tool Demonstration",
26th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE 2011), Lawrence, Kansas, USA, IEEE Computer Society, 11/2011.
"Saying Hello World with VIATRA2 - A Solution to the TTC 2011 Instructive Case",
TTC 2011: Fifth Transformation Tool Contest, Zürich, Switzerland, June 29-30 2011, Post-Proceedings, vol. 74, Zürich, Switzerland, Open Publishing Association, pp. 302-324, 11/2011.
"Solving the TTC 2011 Reengineering Case with VIATRA2",
TTC 2011: Fifth Transformation Tool Contest, Zürich, Switzerland, June 29-30 2011, Post-Proceedings, vol. 74, Zürich, Switzerland, Open Publishing Association, pp. 136-148, 11/2011.
"Change-driven model transformations. Change (in) the rule to rule the change.",
Software and Systems Modeling, issue Online first.: Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, pp. 1-31, 2011.
"A Tool for Managing Evolving Security Requirements",
CAiSE Forum:, pp. 49-56, 2011.