"Graph Transformation with Incremental Pattern Matching on a Relational Database",
International Symposium on Applications of Graph Transformation With Industrial Relevance (AGTIVE 2011), Budapest, Hungary, 10/2011.
In Review for Post-proceedings.
"A Graph Query Language for EMF models",
Theory and Practice of Model Transformations, Fourth International Conference, ICMT 2011, Zurich, Switzerland, June 27-28, 2011. Proceedings, vol. 6707: Springer, pp. 167-182, 2011.
"Generating Tests from B Specifications and Dynamic Selection Criteria",
FAC, Formal Aspects of Computing, vol. 23, no. 1, pp. 3–19, 2011.
Revised and extended version of a paper from the ABZ'08 conference
"From Goal-Driven Security Requirements Engineering to Secure Design",
International Journal of Intelligent Systems, vol. 25, issue 8, 2010.
From BPEL to SAL and Back: a Tool Demo on Back-Annotation with VIATRA2,
: Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR), pp. 35-42, 09/2010.
Accepted for the SEFM'2010 "Posters and Tool Demo Session" Track
"Formally Based Black Box Monitoring of Security Protocols",
International Symposium on Engineering Secure Software and Systems (ESSOS 2010): Springer-Verlag, 2010.
"Failboxes: Provably safe exception handling",
ECOOP 2009 - Object-Oriented Programming, 23rd European Conference, Genova, Italy, July 6-10, 2009, Proceedings, vol. 5653: Springer-Verlag, pp. 470–494, 07/2009.
"An Extended Ontology for Security Requirements",
Advanced Information Systems Engineering Workshops, vol. 83: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 622-636, 2011.
Expressive modular fine-grained concurrency specification (Extended version),
, no. CW590: Department of Computer Science, K.U.Leuven, July, 2010.
"Expressive modular fine-grained concurrency specification",
Principles of Programming Languages (POPL 2011), January, 2011.
"Experimental Assessment of Combining Pattern Matching Strategies with VIATRA2",
International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer, vol. 12, pp. 211-230, 2010.
"Evolving Embedded Systems",
IEEE Computer, vol. 43, issue 5, 5/2010.
"Evolutionary risk analysis: Expert judgement",
Computer safety, reliability, and security (SAFECOMP), Italy, Springer, 09/2011.
"Evolution of Security Requirements Tests for Service-Centric Systems",
International Symposium on Engineering Secure Software and Systems, Madrid, Spain, Springer-Verlag, 02/2011.
"Evolution in Relation to Risk and Trust Management",
IEEE Computer, vol. 43, issue 5, 05/2010.
"Evaluation of Experiences from Applying the PREDIQT Method in an Industrial Case Study",
SINTEF report: SINTEF, 01/2011.
"Evaluation of experiences from applying the PREDIQT method in an industrial case study",
Secure System Integration and Reliability Improvement (SSIRI), Korea, IEEE Computer Society, 06/2011.
"Enhancing Argumentation with Risk Assessment for Achieving Good-Enough Security",
Requirements Engineering Journal , Submitted.
"Eliciting security requirements and tracing them to design: an integration of Common Criteria, heuristics, and UMLsec",
Requirements Engineering Journal, vol. 15(1), 2010.
"Ecore to Genmodel case study solution using the Viatra2 framework",
Transformation Tool Contest (TTC ’10), Malaga, Spain, 07/2010.
"Dynamic constraint satisfaction problems over models",
Software and Systems Modeling, 11/2010.
"Dynamic Backwards Slicing of Model Transformations",
Software Testing, Verification and Validation (ICST), 2012 IEEE Fifth International Conference on, 04/2012.
"Dealing with Known Unknowns: Towards a Game-Theoretic Foundation for Software Requirement Evolution",
23rd International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering (CAiSE'11), London, Sringer-Verlag , 2011.
"Computer-Aided Threat Identification",
CEC 2011, New Orleans, IEEE, 2011.
Combining Formal Methods and Testing: A Case Study on FreeRTOS,
, 2011.
Invited talk at the 10th International Conference on Software QA and Testing on Embedded Systems (QA&Test 2011), Bilbao, Spain.