Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME) is the largest technology-oriented university in Hungary with 8 faculties, more than 110 departments and 2500 lecturers and researchers. The main educational, research and development activities at the Department of Measurement and Information Systems are related to a) Embedded Information Systems, b) Intelligent System Design, c) Dependable Systems and Model-Driven Systems Engineering. The Fault Tolerant Systems Research Group at BME DMIS was founded in 1994; currently it consists of 30 members, including 5 PhDs. The main research field of the group is the model-driven development and analysis of dependable computer systems, including systems modeling and formal analysis, dependability assessment, verification and validation of IT systems, model transformation.
Recent FP6 European R&D projects with the participation of the group include the DECOS IP (Dependable Embedded Components and Systems), the SENSORIA IP (Software Engineering for Service-Oriented Overlay Computers), DESEREC IP (Dependable Secure Reconfiguration), the HIDENETS STREP (Highly Dependable Ip-based Networks and Services) , the DIANA STREP (Distributed, equipment Independent environment for Advanced avioNic Applications). FTSRG is an academic member of the international standardization body entitled Service Availability Forum.
Former and ongoing national academic and industrial projects include the development of a UML-based environment for designing and testing safety critical systems which incorporates tools for formal validation and verification by automatic model transformations; BPM based development of robust e-business applications; optimization of complex industrial processes; simultaneous optimization and verification of Petri net based models of information systems.
Key personnel:
Dr. Dániel Varró is an assistant professor at the Department of Measurement and Information Systems at BME. He is the leader of research within the group in the field of model-driven systems engineering and model transformations including the VIATRA model transformation framework. He is the principal investigator of the SENSORIA and the DIANA European projects, respectively, in the service-oriented and avionics domain. He runs a graduate course on UML based modeling and analysis and a PhD course on Foundations of Model Driven Systems Engineering. He is a co-author of a university textbook on formal methods, 3 book chapters and he published more than 60 papers in highly rated international journals and conferences.