Technische Universität Dortmund
Technische Universität Dortmund is a university in Dortmund, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany with over 20,000 students, and over 3,000 staff. Founded in 1966, it is situated in the Ruhr area, the fourth largest urban area in Europe. The university is highly ranked in terms of its research performance.
The Department of Computer Science has started its work in 1972, at that time one of the first departments of this kind. Since then it has always been one of the largest computer science departments in Germany. Today, more than 2 000 Students are enrolled.
With 22 professors and a research and teaching staff of about 120 employees the department covers a broad spectrum of scientific fields. The current research areas can be clustered into four broader research subjects:
- Software, Security and Verification
- Distributed and Embedded Systems
- Intelligent Systems
- Algorithmic and Formal Foundations
Key personnel is Prof. Dr. Jan Jurjens who from 1 Sep 2009 will hold a joint position at the chair Computer Science XIV "Software Engineering with Focus on Evolutionary Software & Systems" and the Fraunhofer Institute for Software and Systems Technology (ISST) located at the campus of TU Dortmund, and who is currently the Research Director of the Secure Change project.
Key Personnel Involved:
Prof. Dr. Jan Jürjens holds (from 1 Sep. 2009) a joint position at the chair Computer Science XIV "Software Engineering with Focus on Evolutionary Software & Systems" and the Fraunhofer Institute for Software and Systems Technology (ISST) located at the campus of TU Dortmund. Previously, he was a Senior Lecturer at the Open University with joint positions as Royal Society Industrial Fellow at Microsoft Research (Cambridge) and non-stipendiary Research Fellow at Robinson College (Univ. Cambridge). Currently supervising 7 PhD students in projects with Microsoft Research Cambridge, British Telecom, and other companies. Before coming to the Open University, he led the Competence Center for IT-Security at the chair for Software & Systems Engineering, TU Munich (Germany). Jan is author of "Secure Systems Development with UML" (Springer, 2004), "IT Security" (Springer, forthcoming), and author of over 80 papers in international refereed journals and conferences (totalling over 1500 citations at GoogleScholar), and has given 15 invited talks at international conferences. He is founding chair of the working group on Formal Methods and Software Engineering for Safety and Security within the German Society for Informatics (GI). He studied Mathematics and Computer Science at the Univ. of Bremen (Germany) and the Univ. of Cambridge (GB), and received a M.Sc. degree with best possible grade from the Univ. of Bremen. He has done research at the Univ. of Edinburgh (GB), Bell Laboratories (Palo Alto, USA), and the Univ. of Oxford (GB) and received a DPhil (Doctor of Philosophy) in Computing from the Univ. of Oxford.